Morse - OnBoarding for Newcomers

Morse - OnBoarding for Newcomers
Cute dogs just hanging around in Morse Lab
Are you recently enter Mitosis Discord?
Was hanging around for a while and saw a lot of user's Profile Pictures with cute dog?
Found out about
Mitosis or Morse from viral post on
Then You are in a right place now!

Article will provide essential knowledge with little technicality for you as newcomer. Understand, acquire and move on with most interesting part of Mitosis community - Morse NFT.


Morse is not typical NFT, that you was faced before. It has duality nature.
It consists with two parts - Token and NFT. They always connected.
So basically you can interact with it in two ways:

  • Buy/sell $morse token as with your typical and well-known coins - ETH, USDT or BTC.
  • Interact with Morse NFT on OpenSea, the same way as with essential NFT there - Pudgy Penguins, Azuki and others.
Remember, Main rule - 1 $morse token = 1 Morse NFT.

How to acquire $morse token?

  1. As Reward: Firstly I would suggest to check official Morse site:
    Why? Cause, you might be already eligible to claim some $morse, even without knowing that.
  2. Buy on DEXs: I suggest you three ways - Uniswap, Jumper, Relay Links will directly brings you to $morse token buy page as on pic below:

I provided to you links with exact contract, but please, always verify by yourself Contract Address before buying in a future:

$MORSE: 0xe591293151ffdadd5e06487087d9b0e2743de92e
Morse NFT: 0x027da47d6a5692c9b5cb64301a07d978ce3cb16c

How to acquire Morse NFT?

  1. As soon as your $morse balance equals 1 $morse token - your NFT minted randomly (not actually random - but you will discover in next articles).
  2. You can buy Morse NFT directly from OpenSea collection by link:
    Note: Rule works in both ways, a soon as you buy Morse NFT - your token balance will appear as 1 $morse!
Morse NFT collection on OpenSea

Benefits of owning Morse NFT

  • 1.3x boost in Mitosis Expedition -
  • Role in Mitosis Discord - "Morse Trainer" with acceess to exclusive channel
  • Boost and Eligibility in recent Matrix Vault campaign. (snapshot already happened on 3rd of March)
  • DAO participation, choose how Morse will develop by yourself -
  • Exclusive Discord Role - "Morse Genesis". Required to hold Morse for at least 100 days, or own 3+ Morse in your wallet. Role provides access to exclusive TG group
  • And more to come...

If you enjoyed reading, please, Follow me on X - @underoakeyebrow to discover even more insights about Morse and Mitosis.

*All visuals made/modified by me with using Mitosis images from Morse NFT Collection and other Mitosis resources

Next article, if you want to go deeper in Morse understanding, made by kumatycoon:
Everything You Need to Know about Morse NFT and the DN404 Implementation